We haven’t completely moved into our newly finished bathroom. But finished it finally is After 3 years! All the work – Me and Brian (mostly Brian) and my uncle Uno helped with sheetrock and friend Karel helped gutting. We only hired a plumber to do the pipes.
Before & After
So we totally gutted the place..We gained extra space by using a built-in cabinet from the room next to the bathroom. We insulated the walls, covered with plastic, sheetrocked, spackled, painted, installed tile on the floor, installed a tub, Brian built a box around the tub, also a drawer on wheels for storage. Brian did all electric wiring and built “floating shelves”. We tiled the box and the walls, new sink from Ikea.
AfterMirror from the Thrift Store $2.99
Wow, absolutely amazing job! I would have never thought to add that built-in shelf in bathroom 2, but it gives you such a great aesthetic! Fabulous...now I'll just keep dreaming about my own bathroom!